Nonprofit LLC for Csongrád County Development

The tasks of the Csongrád County Self-Government have changed considerably since 2012, i.e. 2013, when the Act on Local Self-Government in Hungary, No. CLXXXIX/2011, i.e. the Act on Territorial Development and Spatial Planning, No. CCXVI/2013 entered into force.

After the reorganisation of the public administration at regional level, the counties have been given a significant role in spatial planning from 2014 to 2020, including preparation of the Territorial and Settlement Development Operational Programme (TOP), and also coordination of its implementation.

Within the 2014-2020 programme period, pursuant to the Government Decree on using the resources from specific European Union funds, No. 272/2014 (5. XI), the county self-government assumed a more prominent role in the field of spatial development by being given a new task requiring it to participate, at the request of a local self-government situated within the territory of the county, in performing the tasks stipulated by the specified document – development programmes implemented from TOP funds.

Adapting itself to the regulatory environment, the Csongrád County Self-Government deemed it reasonable to establish a new organisation in order to ensure efficient planning under the authority of the County, and also fund allocation to support development of local self-governments and micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

For these reasons, on 13 December 2013, the General Assembly of the Csongrád County issued a decision establishing a non-profit limited liability company in 100 percent ownership which was registered in January 2014 under the name of Csongrád Megye Fejlesztéséért Nonprofit Kft. (in English: Nonprofit Limited Liability Company for Csongrád County Development (registration number: 06 09 020863, headquartered at: 6720 Szeged, 2-4 Tisza Lajos körút Street).

Nonprofit LLC for Csongrád County Development is a company operating for already five years with established business relations with 38 self-governments in the county, one self-government association and a number of other companies. The circle of its clients has already extended beyond the county.

Over the years, the company participated in the preparation of nearly 100 applications of which practically all received support.

Out of 314 TOP projects of the County, almost a quarter was prepared by the company, while out of 228 TOP projects that received the decision on support, a quarter enjoyed the services of project management provided by the Nonprofit LLC.

In addition to TOP projects, the company also prepares and manages VP and VP-LEADER, Cross-Border (IPA/HU-SRB), and also EFOP, GINOP and KEHOP projects.

The company aims to carry out its tasks at the highest possible level of expertise, with great precision and dedication; a special focus is on the maintenance of personal connections and business relations and also deadline observation. We hope that all our clients are satisfied with our work and the services we provide.

Although the primary objective and task of the company is a successful implementation of TOP projects, which are expected to be finalized by 2020, a successful continuation of all other business activities also has considerable relevance. This is precisely the reason why the company started developing in the field of communication, event organisation and other services of expert consulting, application and project management.

Provincial Secretariat of Agriculture, Water Management and Forestry

The Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops

The European Affairs Fund of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina

Nonprofit LLC for Csongrád County Development