The project partners from Serbia attended the workshop in Morahalom
In the framework of the project "Agriculture innovation towards growth and employment in crossborder region" AGRINNO, in Morahalom workshops under the name "Processing of products, placement of goods on the market" are organizing. These workshops are intended for representatives of incubators from secondary agricultural schools from Futog, Ruma and Vršac. Lectures are interactive and representatives of incubators have the opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge in the workshops as well as visits to experimental farms, processing plants and cooperatives in order to see the process of quality production, the way of processing and the conditions for placing goods on the market.
The topics that were at the workshops were "Agriculture as a way of sustaining", "Personalized SWOT analysis with a special focus on logistics and markets", "Short-term and long-term strategies and business planning", "How to produce and sell?". The fifth workshop was held in the period from July 08 to July 10, 2019, entitled "Processing Processes". Representatives of the European Affairs Fund were aiming to provide material for the promotion of the project and its website. Also, the project partners from the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops attended the workshop. The remaining 5 workshops will be held in July, August and September.